Home > Makerspaces
Makerspaces are quickly becoming popular as spaces to develop new skills by exploring new ideas, concepts and technologies. Make Create Innovate's mobile makerspace has been traveling around Ireland and Europe since 2015, delivering high-quality education experiences to people of all ages. We were selected to represent Ireland at the EU Makerspace for Education & Learning conference in Brussels, 2019, called 'Future of Learning'. We contributed to the European Union Science for Policy Report: Makerspaces for Education and Training - Exploring Future Implications for Europe, published on December 2019
We offer training and guidance to organisations interested in developing the skills needed to set up school or community makerspace, as well as the skills to deliver hands-on creative tech activities with young people and adults in the makerspace.
Check out our Tools & Resources.
Fingal Makerspace
In 2021, Make Create Innovate was awarded the Creator & Maker in Residence Programme at Blanchardstown library. We are delighted to share that this programme has been extended to 2025, featuring the creation and growth of a community focused makerspace within Blanchardstown Library, one of Dublin’s leading makerspaces. We’ll also continue delivering innovative STEAM and maker education programmes specifically designed to engage and inspire the Fingal community in Dublin.

“I've been fortunate to see some of the best educators from around the world in action and am happy to say that Make Create Innovate are world-class.”
Colman Farrell, Head of Programme Development, The Innovation Academy, UCD, Dublin
Re-imagine your community with MyPlace
MyPlace is a 3 week blended learning project, an invitation to young people (and their families) to participate in the exploration of building, making and interactivity using everyday materials and provided Make Create innovate kits.
Participants re-imagine themselves as architects, cyclists, city planners, artists, and gardeners - citizens of Ireland with a story to tell about their place as they see it now, or as they would like it to be.
We have delivered workshops & courses with many inspiring organisations